Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Diet Detective: Is Chocolate Milk Good for Muscle Recovery? |

The Diet Detective: Is Chocolate Milk Good for Muscle Recovery? |

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Exercise of the Day

The exercise of the day that will build muscle and give some cardio benefits is the wood chop. This exercise is executed just like chopping wood, however instead of an axe u will have a weight of some kind. I did three sets of 10, and there are 3 exercises one down the middle and one to either side to target your obliques.
When you are "chopping" make sure to squat down as low as you can go in order to utilize your abs to a greater extent.

This exercise will definitely make you sweat!  :)

For more reference here is a youtube video demonstrating the technique.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bodyweight Exercise

I have been trying to get into the habit of exercise for the past...forever. If you read my post from last week I expressed frustration in exercise that I thought that I was not doing enough exercise to provide the results that I want, with the figure that I currently have. I hate to say that today was the first day that I have exercised since my Saturday workout. The main reason behind this is because I don't want to over do it and hurt myself. Another reason being is that it is hot, well hot for me.

Today I did exercise however and I noticed that from Saturday I haven't felt sore, or overly tired and I sleep better and wake up at about the same time every morning. When I wasn't trying I had been waking up around noon if I was lucky and still not wanting to get out of bed.

What I have been doing are bodyweight exercises. At this point I have been doing mostly squats so I can work the muscles in my legs to assist in burning fat around my body. In women the leg muscles are the biggest and potentially the strongest, and since pushing myself and my limits a few days ago I have already noticed a difference.

Another thing that I have been doing is to drink lots of water, at least 64 oz. of water daily, which isn't possible everyday but on days that I am at home that is what I do and it helps to keep my appetite for crap down. At this point those are the two biggest changes that I have made to my life that have made and immediate positive result. That and Netflix.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Exercise Bullshit

So I know it has been a while since I have posted anything, but I am currently on this kind of kick where I want to exercise. Some people feel like Weight Watchers is the key to all of their problems but I am not one of those, I have tried Weight Watchers twice and both times I lost about 10 lbs. then gained it back, the biggest reason being that you have to pay for strangers to support you (at the actual meetings) and I am just enough of a loaner to not dig that kind of environment in addition to having to choose if going to the meetings was good enough to give up my monthly food allowance I dropped out both times then gained that first 10 lbs. right back. Since then I have found a website/blog that I find to be motivating and wonderful,

The host is charming, cute and totally buff. She kicks ass several times per week and I have been telling my chubby family and friends about her since I stumbled across her youtube account. Now here is the problem, I do not have the capacity to actually do most of the stuff she does and it drives me up the damn wall. I found out today that I can't even jump. Being so limited as far as my range of motion actual strength is infuriating, I know that I am overweight and it makes me uncomfortable, but how long is it going to take to get to a point where I don't feel restricted in my own skin?