Saturday, April 17, 2010

It has been a while...

It has been a while... since i have done a lot of things. Since I have weeded the garden, taken a long walk outside, and longer still that I have sewn anything.

While it is not healthy, or fun, just to sit around on the couch forever, I decided that I needed to do something with my time... which is how i came up with the Miss Piggy pouch. I found the tutorial online and decided that "I can make that", and since i have had such good luck with my crocheting over the winter months I apparently felt that I could "grow".

Well I decided that I am a pain in my ass. The last time that I sewed anything decent I was probably 8 or 9, and I was taking lessons, which were the only kind of lessons I would consent to, and for some reason I decided that I wasn't going to go anymore. That being about 15 years ago and already having a sewing machine, (thanks mom!) I figured it would be a piece of cake.
Well kinda.

The instructions were clear and there were lots of pictures, but I decided that I wanted my little bag to be bigger than the tutorial, which should have been fine if i hadn't gotten a zipper that was barely enough to close the original bag. Considering that my math is the suck I think it came out pretty good.

And Miss Piggy is awesome.

For anyone who would like the original tutorial...