Sunday, May 30, 2010

Watermelon Apron

I had made this apron a few weeks ago and had never gotten around to posting the pictures of it. I think it only reason it took me so long is because I was afraid to cut the fabric incorrectly, but no harm done! It is only a half apron but I have some fabric for another apron and this time I want to make a full one. Also I have been making another Doctor Who project but I havent told anyone what it is incase I cannot execute my idea but it is almost done. Wish me luck!

New crochet earrings!

These earrings are quite large but very lightweight. It is hard to see but the yarn used is a pretty sage green. I think I will be making more of these to put in my Etsy shop.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Secret...

for perfet brownies is a 325 degree oven for 35 min, 65 if your're making a double batch.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Doctor Who: The Complete First Series
As a whole I really enjoyed the season, however if you would have asked me about a year ago to watch any Doctor Who without David Tennant I would not have any of it. I wanted to see David Tennant on my screen and no other doctor was going to be good enough. Now that there is a new Doctor, who I like, just not as much as Tennant, I decided to be open to the 9th Doctor Chris Eccleston, and I found him to be a lot better than I remember.

Overall I liked the season as it had almost all of the characters of the second season and the Doctor is the Doctor. I am glad that i went through and started from the beginning as now the relationship between the Doctor and Rose makes a bit more sense.

It would not have been possible for me to watch any of this however without Netflix, and my Wii, for these things I am eternally grateful and I would recommend these for everyone. As an FYI all of the current Doctor Who seasons to season 4 are on the
instant queue, so they can be watched right away!